Fragment is a uniquely entertaining band, and has been one of the very best live acts around, for many years now. 2 small Englishmen and a ridiculously tall Dutchman, plus 4000 concerts worth of experience, all contribute towards a show full of energy, humour, imagination and songs that everyone knows. The result is, without exception, one big party.
Fragment has played at countless festivals, [such as Zwarte Cross where they have been a sort of house band for the last 12 years or so], as well as any number of “feesttents” and other venues in Holland, from AHOY and Paradiso, to name but two, to small cafés.
Giel Beelen, the DJ says of the band: “It’s an insult to call them a cover band. They add their own dimension to the songs. It’s always a party when they play” [“Ik vind ´t een belediging als je ´t een coverband noemt. Ze geven er gewoon een eigen dimensie aan. En ´t is altijd een feestje”].
The organisers of the Zwarte Cross festival said of the band: “Whereas some bands need 10 people on stage in order to produce a decent sound, those bloody Englishmen manage it with just the 3 of them”. [“Maar waar sommige bands 10 man op het podium nodig hebben om het een beetje te laten klinken, flikken die verdomde Engelsen het met z´n drieen”]